Release process

Open Zaak makes use of quite a bit of Continuous Integration tooling to set up a full release process, all driven by the Git repository.

Travis CI

Our pipeline is mostly implemented on Travis:

Merges to the master branch are built on Travis, where:

  1. Tests are run

  2. Code quality checks are run

  3. Compatibility with the API’s voor zaakgericht werken standard spec is tested

  4. The Docker image is built and published

If the build is for a Git tag on the master branch, then the image is built and publish with that version tag to Docker Hub.

Releasing a new version

Releasing a new version can only be done by people with merge permissions to the master branch belonging to the Open Zaak organisation on Github.

Assuming a current version of 0.9.0:

Create a release branch

git checkout -b release/1.0.0

Update the changelog

Update CHANGELOG.rst in the root of the project, and make sure to commit the changes.

Bump the version

bumpversion minor

and commit:

git commit -am ":bookmark: Bump version to 1.0.0"

Push the changes and make a pull request.

Tag the release

Once the PR is merged to master, check out the master branch and tag it:

git checkout master
git pull
git tag 1.0.0

Tagging will ensure that a Docker image openzaak/open-zaak:1.0.0 is published.