Open Zaak configuration

Before you can work with Open Zaak after installation, a few settings need to be configured first.

Setting the domain

In the admin, under Configuration > Websites, make sure to change the existing Site to the domain under which Open Zaak will be deployed (see the manual for more information).

Configure Notifications API

Next, the Notifications for Open Zaak must be configured. Navigate to Configuration > Notificatiescomponentconfiguratie and fill out the correct API root URL for the Notifications API, for example: https://notificaties.gemeente.local/api/v1/.

You must configure the credentials for this API too:

  1. Make sure you have a client ID and secret pair for this API.

  2. Navigate to API Autorisaties > Externe API credentials

  3. Click Externe API credential toevoegen in the top right

  4. Enter the same API root URL in the API-root field, e.g. https://notificaties.gemeente.local/api/v1/ and give a human readable label, for example: Notifications API.

  5. Enter the Client ID and secret from step 1

  6. Provide a User ID - for example open-zaak-backend. This is only used for (audit trail) logging.

  7. Provide a human readable User represenation, such as Open Zaak backend. This is also used only for (audit trail) logging.

Currently, Open Zaak does not require any webhook subscriptions. It will however send notifications on various API actions.

Create an API token

By creating an API token, we can perform an API test call to verify the succesful installation.

Navigate to API Autorisaties > Applicaties and click on Applicatie toevoegen in the top right.

Give the application a label, such as test or demo, and fill out a demo client ID and secret. Next, click on Opslaan en opnieuw bewerken in the bottom right. The application will be saved and you will see the same page again. Now, click on Beheer autorisaties in the bottom right, which brings you to the authorization management for this application.

  1. Select Catalogi API for the Component field

  2. Check the catalogi.lezen checkbox

  3. Click Opslaan in the bottom right

On the application detail page, you can now select and copy the JSON Web Token (JWT) shown under Client credentials, which is required to make an API call.


The JWT displayed here expires after a short time (1 hour by default) and should not be used in real applications. Applictions should use the client ID and secret pair to generate JWT’s on the fly.

Making an API call

We can now make an HTTP request to one of the APIs of Open Zaak. For this example, we have used Postman to make the request.

Make sure to set the value of the Authorization header to the JWT that was copied in the previous step.

Then perform a GET request to the list display of ZaakTypen (Catalogi API) - this endpoint is accessible at {{base_url}}/catalogi/api/v1/zaaktypen (where {{base_url}} is set to the domain configured in Setting the domain).

GET request to Catalogi API

A GET request to the Catalogi API using Postman