Environment configuration reference

Open Zaak can be ran both as a Docker container or directly on a VPS or dedicated server. It relies on other services, such as database and cache backends, which can be configured through environment variables.

Available environment variables


  • DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE: which environment settings to use. Available options:

    • openzaak.conf.production

    • openzaak.conf.staging

    • openzaak.conf.docker

    • openzaak.conf.dev

    • openzaak.conf.ci

  • SECRET_KEY: secret key that’s used for certain cryptographic utilities. You should generate one via miniwebtool

  • ALLOWED_HOSTS: a comma separated (without spaces!) list of domains that serve the installation. Used to protect against Host header attacks.


Additionally, the following optional envvars MUST be set/changed when running on Docker, since localhost is contained within the container:





  • SITE_ID: defaults to 1. The database ID of the site object. You usually won’t have to touch this.

  • DEBUG: defaults to False. Only set this to True on a local development environment. Various other security settings are derived from this setting!

  • IS_HTTPS: defaults to the inverse of DEBUG. Used to construct absolute URLs and controls a variety of security settings.

  • DB_HOST: hostname of the PostgreSQL database. Defaults to localhost, unless you’re using the docker environment, then it defaults to db.

  • DB_USER: username of the database user. Defaults to openzaak, unless you’re using the docker environment, then it defaults to postgres.

  • DB_PASSWORD: password of the database user. Defaults to openzaak, unless you’re using the docker environment, then it defaults to no password.

  • DB_NAME: name of the PostgreSQL database. Defaults to openzaak, unless you’re using the docker environment, then it defaults to postgres.

  • DB_PORT: port number of the database, defaults to 5432.

  • CACHE_DEFAULT: redis cache address for the default cache. Defaults to localhost:6379/0.

  • CACHE_AXES: redis cache address for the brute force login protection cache. Defaults to localhost:6379/0.

  • EMAIL_HOST: hostname for the outgoing e-mail server. Defaults to localhost.

  • EMAIL_PORT: port number of the outgoing e-mail server. Defaults to 25. Note that if you’re on Google Cloud, sending e-mail via port 25 is completely blocked and you should use 487 for TLS.

  • EMAIL_HOST_USER: username to connect to the mail server. Default empty.

  • EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD: password to connect to the mail server. Default empty.

  • EMAIL_USE_TLS: whether to use TLS or not to connect to the mail server. Defaults to False. Should be True if you’re changing the EMAIL_PORT to 487.

  • MIN_UPLOAD_SIZE: the max allowed size of POST bodies, in bytes. Defaults to 4GB. Note that you should also configure your web server to allow this.

  • SENDFILE_BACKEND: which backend to use for authorization-secured upload downloads. Defaults to sendfile.backends.nginx. See (django-sendfile2)[https://pypi.org/project/django-sendfile2/] for available backends.

  • SENTRY_DSN: URL of the sentry project to send error reports to. Default empty, i.e. -> no monitoring set up. Highly recommended to configure this.

  • JWT_EXPIRY: duration a JWT is considered to be valid, in seconds. Defaults to 3600 - 1 hour.

  • LOG_STDOUT: whether to log to stdout or not. For Docker environments, defaults to True, for other environments the default is to log to file.

  • PROFILE: whether to enable profiling-tooling or not. Applies to the development settings only. Defaults to False.

  • CMIS_ENABLED: whether to enable the CMIS adapter. Defaults to False.

  • CMIS_MAPPER_FILE: name of the file containing the mapping between the Django and Document Management System names for document properties. See the installation section for more details. Defaults to the absolute path of open-zaak/config/cmis_mapper.json.

Specifying the environment variables

There are two strategies to specify the environment variables:

  • provide them in a .env file

  • start the Open Zaak processes (with uwsgi/gunicorn/celery) in a process manager that defines the environment variables

Providing a .env file

This is the most simple setup and easiest to debug. The .env file must be at the root of the project - i.e. on the same level as the src directory ( NOT in the src directory).

The syntax is key-value:


Provide the envvars via the process manager

If you use a process manager (such as supervisor/systemd), use their techniques to define the envvars. The Open Zaak implementation will pick them up out of the box.