
There are several ways to install Open Zaak. A scalable solution is to use Kubernetes. You can also run the Docker containers on a single machine.

Before you begin

  • Check the minimum system requirements for the target machine(s).

  • Ensure you have the Prerequisites available

  • Make sure the target machine(s) have access to the Internet.

  • The target machine(s) should be reachable via at least a local DNS entry:

    • Open Zaak: open-zaak.<organization.local>

    • Open Notificaties: open-notificaties.<organization.local>

    The machine(s) do not need to be publically accessible and do not need a public DNS entry. In some cases, you might want this but it’s not recommended. The same machine can be used for both Open Zaak and Open Notificaties.

  • If you want to use NLX, make sure you have a publicaly available domain name, for example nlx.<>, where your NLX-inway is accessible to the outside world.

