Open Zaak configuration (CLI)

After deploying Open Zaak, it needs to be configured to be fully functional. The command line tool setup_configuration assist with this configuration:

  • It favours explicit configuration via options - you can integrate this with your infrastructure tooling such as init containers and/or Kubernetes Jobs

  • In interactive mode, you receive prompts to fill out the requested information

  • The command can self-test the configuration to detect problems early on

You can get the full command documentation with:

src/ setup_configuration --help


For more explanation/feedback, run the command with increased verbosity:

src/ setup_configuration --verbosity 2


This command is declarative - if configuration is manually changed after running the command and you then run the exact same command again, the manual changes will be reverted.


You should prepare the following information:

  • organization name, e.g. ACME

  • domain name where Open Zaak is deployed, e.g. open-zaak.gemeente.local

  • Notifications API root, e.g. https://notificaties.gemeente.local/api/v1/

  • A Client ID for Open Zaak to the Notifications API, e.g. open-zaak-acme

  • A Client Secret for Open Zaak to the Notifications API, e.g. insecure-nrc-secret

  • A Client ID for the Notifications API to Open Zaak, e.g. notificaties-api-acme

  • A Client Secret for the Notifications API to Open Zaak, e.g. insecure-oz-secret


You can generate these Client IDs and Secrets using any password generation tool, as long as you configure the same values in the Notifications API.


Open Zaak configuration

With the full command invocation, everything is configured at once and immediately tested. For all the self-tests to succeed, it’s important that the Notifications API is configured correctly before calling this command.

Alternatively, you can skip the self-tests by using the --no-self-test flag.

The example command uses the example values from the preparation above:

src/ setup_configuration \
    -v 2 \
    --organization ACME \
    --domain open-zaak.gemeente.local \
    --create-notifications-api-app \
    --notifications-api-app-client-id notificaties-api-acme \
    --notifications-api-app-secret insecure-oz-secret \
    --notifications-api-root https://notificaties.gemeente.local/api/v1/ \
    --notifications-api-client-id open-zaak-acme \
    --notifications-api-secret insecure-nrc-secret \
    --self-test \


Due to a cache-bug in the underlying framework, you need to restart all replicas for part of this change to take effect everywhere.


You can output the results as JSON which your configuration management can then pick up and process:

src/ setup_configuration \
  --skip-checks \

The LOG_LEVEL environment variable ensures your output is not cluttered with logs, while --skip-checks prevents system check output from appearing.

Register notification channels

Before notifications can be sent to kanalen in Open Notificaties, these kanalen must first be registered via Open Zaak.

Register the required channels:

python src/ register_kanalen