Deploying on Kubernetes

Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.


Kubernetes (K8s) is one of the main supported targets for deployment. We provide a fully automated deployment toolset suitable for DevOps engineers and/or system administrators.

This documentation will sketch out the architecture, document the initial requirements and teach you how to deploy on K8s.

This setup is tested against a Google Cloud Kubernetes cluster with 4vCPU and 15G of memory - two n2-standard-2 nodes. See the documentation for the available machine types. Please see Hardware requirements to determine your hardware requirements.

Assumed/required knowledge level of Kubernetes

Kubernetes is a complex infrastructure with a lot of moving parts and a steep learning curve.

We assume you have some familiarity with the following concepts:

Additionally, familiarity with the kubectl command line tool is a big advantage.

You should be able to save a kube-config file and optionally specify its location via the KUBECONFIG environment variable.

Target platform

This guide is written and tested against a Kubernetes cluster on Google Cloud.

Google cloud resources can be managed with the gcloud command line tool, or alternatively in the cloud console via point and click.

We have collected a number of example commands to spin up an environment.

Creating a cluster

See the documentation to create a cluster and the prerequisites. We assume a Google Cloud project name of gemeente.

[user@host]$ gcloud container --project "gemeente" clusters create "test-cluster" \
    --zone "europe-west4-b" \
    --cluster-version "1.14.8-gke.12" \
    --machine-type "n2-standard-2" \
    --num-nodes "2"

Creating a database

From the documentation to create an SQL instance:

[user@host]$ gcloud sql instances create test \
  --assign-ip \
  --region europe-west4 \
  --zone europe-west4-b \
  --database-version POSTGRES_11 \
  --root-password letmein \
  --cpu 2 \
  --memory 7GiB

In your Google Cloud console you can then configure the remote networks that are allowed to access this instance. You should at least include the network from where you are deploying.

Additionally, it’s recommended to set up a private IP so connections from the Kubernetes cluster are allowed.

Application architecture

Typically, your K8s cluster provider will set up a load balancer in front of your cluster, directing all the traffic to services in the cluster.

DNS is set up so that your domain name(s) point to the IP address of the load balancer.

The load balancer will then pass the traffic to an Ingress in the cluster, which will route the traffic to the backend services.

All applications make use of caching via Redis cache databases.

Open Zaak

Traffic from the ingress will enter Open Zaak at one or multiple NGINX reverse proxies. NGINX will performs one of two possible tasks:

  • pass the request to the Open Zaak application or

  • send the binary data of uploaded files to the client

NGINX exists to serve uploaded files in a secure and performant way, reducing load on the Open Zaak application.

All other requests are passed to the Open Zaak application.

Open Notificaties

Traffic from the ingress is directly passed to the Open Notificaties application. Open Notificaties then communicates with async workers (using RabbitMQ) to distribute the notifications to all the relevant subscribers.

Environment requirements

Before you begin, you will need:

  • a kubernetes cluster that you can access, this means you need a valid ~/.kube/config file. You can override which kube config to use by setting the KUBECONFIG environment variable if you manage multiple clusters.

    If you are dealing with jump/bastion hosts, complicated firewalls… Please contact your provider on how you can access your cluster from your local machine.

  • a PostgreSQL (10 or 11) database server with credentials:

    • a database hostname that you can reach from your local machine

    • a database hostname that can be reached from your K8s cluster (possibly the same as above)

    • the username of a superuser (typically postgres)

    • a password for the superuser

    • credentials for the Open Zaak database and Open Notificaties database

  • A persistent-volume storage class supporting ReadWriteMany. Contact your provider to see if they offer it. If this is not an option, you can use a ReadWriteOnce storage class and set up an NFS-server around it, but this will likely have slower performance.

    On Google Cloud, you can use:

    [user@host]$ gcloud compute disks create --size=10GB --zone=europe-west4-b gce-nfs-disk

Deployment requirements

Fully automated deployment is implemented with Ansible. Ansible runs on your local machine (control host) and connects to the required services to realize the desired state.

For example, to create the application database, it will create a database connection and execute the necessary queries. To manage kubernetes objects, it will use the Kubernetes API via your KUBECONFIG.

Ansible is a Python tool and has a number of dependencies. The deployment is tested on Python 3.7.

Get a copy of the deployment configuration

You can either clone the repository, or download and extract the latest ZIP:

Ensure you have a suitable Python version

Check your operation system packages and make sure you have installed a recent enough Python version. We recommend using Python 3.7.

Create a virtual environment

Virtual environments isolate dependencies between environments. It gives us close control over the exact required versions.

Create a virtualenv:

[user@host]$ python3.7 -m venv env

This creates a virtualenv named env. Next, activate the virtualenv. You need to do this every time you want to use the deployment tooling.

[user@host]$ source env/bin/activate

Install dependencies

First, navigate to the correct directory. In the folder where you placed the copy of the repository, change into the deployment directory:

(env) [user@host]$ cd /path/to/open-zaak/deployment/

To install the required dependencies, we use the Python package manager pip:

(env) [user@host]$ pip install -r requirements.txt
(env) [user@host]$ ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements.yml

Roughly said, this installs Ansible and the modules to talk to the PostgreSQL database and Kubernetes API.

Deploying (automated or manual)

Ansible has the concept of playbooks - a predefined set of tasks to execute, logically grouped.

Open Zaak ships with two playbooks:

  • provision.yml:

    • finishes the configuration of your Kubernetes cluster (if needed)

    • initializes the application databases

  • apps.yml:

    • installs Open Zaak

    • installs Open Notificaties

You can run the Ansible-playbooks as-is (with some configuration through variables), or use them an inspiration for manual deployment.


Below you find some guidance to modify the provisioning specifically to your needs.

I already have an ingress-controller

Set the variable needs_ingress in provision.yml to no. Otherwise, Traefik 2.0 is set up as Ingress controller.

I have a ReadWriteMany storage solution

Set the variable needs_nfs in provision.yml to no. Otherwise, a NFS-server is deployed to use as ReadWriteMany solution.


streamline nfs/RWX solution!

Database configuration

The playbook will set up the application database user(s) with the correct, minimal permissions and will set up the databases for the applications. To be able to do this, you need superuser access. See the vars/db_credentials.example.yml file for the example configuration.

Both Open Zaak and Open Notificaties require database configuration to be defined in the vars/openzaak.yml and vars/opennotificaties.yml variable files:

openzaak_db_name: openzaak  # name of the database to create
openzaak_db_host:  # hostname or IP address of the database server
openzaak_db_port: "5432"  # database server port, default is 5432
openzaak_db_username: openzaak  # username of the application database user
openzaak_db_password: secret  # password of the application database user

For Open Notificaties, the prefix is opennotificaties instead of openzaak.

Applying the provisioning

Run the provision.yml playbook using:

(env) [user@host]$ ./ provision.yml


The apps.yml playbook sets up the Open Zaak and Open Notificaties installations.

I already have an ingress-controller


opt-out of the Traefik CRD and provide an alternative Ingress resource

Configuring Open Zaak

To deploy Open Zaak, some variables need to be set (in vars/openzaak.yml):

See roles/openzaak/defaults/main.yml for other possible variables to override.

Configuring Open Notificaties

To deploy Open Notificaties, some variables need to be set (in vars/opennotificaties.yml):

See roles/opennotificaties/defaults/main.yml for other possible variables to override.

Configuring NLX

If you want to use NLX, you need to create NLX certificate. See The key and certificate need to be set in vars/nlx.yml:

  • nlx_inway_key: private key

  • nlx_inway_cert: certificate

Deploying the applications

Run the apps.yml playbook using:

(env) [user@host]$ ./ apps.yml

Next steps

You may want to customize the logging setup. The default setup should be sufficient to get started though.

To be able to work with Open Zaak, a couple of things have to be configured first, see Open Zaak configuration for more details.

Updating an Open Zaak installation

Make sure you have the deployment tooling installed - see Deployment requirements for more details.

If you have an existing environment (from the installation), make sure to update it:

# fetch the updates from Github
[user@host]$ git fetch origin

# checkout the tag of the version you wish to update to, e.g. 1.0.0
[user@host]$ git checkout X.Y.z

# activate the virtualenv
[user@host]$ source env/bin/activate

# ensure all (correct versions of the) dependencies are installed
(env) [user@host]$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Open Zaak deployment code defines variables to specify the Docker image tag to use. This is synchronized with the git tag you’re checking out.


Make sure you are aware of possible breaking changes or manual interventions by reading the Changelog!

Next, to perform the upgrade, you run the apps.yml playbook just like with the installation:

(env) [user@host]$ ./ apps.yml


In the Kubernetes deployment setup, Open Zaak makes use of multiple replicas by default, and is set up to perform rolling releases. This means that the old version stays live until all new versions are running without errors.

We make use of health checks and liveness probes to achieve this.

This does mean that there’s a brief window where clients may hit the old or new version at the same time - usually this shouldn’t pose a problem though.