Open Zaak configuration (CLI)

After deploying Open Zaak, it needs to be configured to be fully functional. The command line tool setup_configuration assist with this configuration:

  • It uses environment variables for all configuration choices, therefore you can integrate this with your infrastructure tooling such as init containers and/or Kubernetes Jobs.

  • The command can self-test the configuration to detect problems early on

You can get the full command documentation with:

src/ setup_configuration --help


This command is declarative - if configuration is manually changed after running the command and you then run the exact same command again, the manual changes will be reverted.


The command executes the list of pluggable configuration steps, and each step has required specific environment variables, that should be prepared. Here is the description of all available configuration steps and the environment variables, used by each step.

Sites configuration

Configure the domain where Open Zaak is hosted

  • SITES_CONFIG_ENABLE: enable Site configuration. Defaults to True.

  • OPENZAAK_DOMAIN: a [host]:[port] or [host] value. Required.

  • OPENZAAK_ORGANIZATION: name of Open Zaak organization. Required.

Notification authorization configuration

Open Notificaties uses Open Zaak Autorisaties API to check authorizations of its consumers, therefore Open Notificaties should be able to request Open Zaak

  • NOTIF_OPENZAAK_CONFIG_ENABLE: enable Notification credentials configuration. Defaults to True.

  • NOTIF_OPENZAAK_CLIENT_ID: a client id, which Open Notificaties uses to request Open Zaak, for example, open-notificaties. Required.

  • NOTIF_OPENZAAK_SECRET: some random string. Required.

Notification configuration

Open Zaak publishes notifications to the Open Notificaties.

  • OPENZAAK_NOTIF_CONFIG_ENABLE: enable Notification configuration. Defaults to True.

  • NOTIF_API_ROOT: full URL to the Notificaties API root, for example https://notificaties.gemeente.local/api/v1/. Required.

  • NOTIF_API_OAS: full URL to the Notificaties OpenAPI specification in YAML format.

  • OPENZAAK_NOTIF_CLIENT_ID: a client id, which Open Zaak uses to request Open Notificaties, for example, open-zaak. Required.

  • OPENZAAK_NOTIF_SECRET: some random string. Required.

Selectielijst configuration

Open Zaak requests Selectielijst API in the Catalogi API component. The Selectielijst API is not expected to require any authentication.

  • OPENZAAK_SELECTIELIJST_CONFIG_ENABLE: enable Selectielijst configuration. Defaults to True.

  • SELECTIELIJST_API_ROOT: full url to the Selectielijst API root. Defaults to

  • SELECTIELIJST_API_OAS: full url to the Selectielijst OpenAPI specification in YAML format. Defaults to

  • SELECTIELIJST_ALLOWED_YEARS: years, for which process types can be used. Defaults to [2017, 2020].

  • SELECTIELIJST_DEFAULT_YEAR = the default year from which process types will be used. Defaults to 2020.

Demo user configuration

Demo user can be created to check if Open Zaak APIs work. It has superuser permissions, so its creation is not recommended on production environment.

  • DEMO_CONFIG_ENABLE: enable demo user configuration. Defaults to the value of the DEBUG setting.

  • DEMO_CLIENT_ID: demo client id. Required.

  • DEMO_SECRET: demo secret. Required.


You can generate these Client IDs and Secrets using any password generation tool, as long as you configure the same values in the Notifications API.


Open Zaak configuration

With the full command invocation, everything is configured at once and immediately tested. For all the self-tests to succeed, it’s important that the Notifications API is configured correctly before calling this command.

src/ setup_configuration

Alternatively, you can skip the self-tests by using the --no-selftest flag.

src/ setup_configuration --no-self-test

setup_configuration command checks if the configuration already exists before changing it. If you want to change some of the values of the existing configuration you can use --overwrite flag.

src/ setup_configuration --overwrite


Due to a cache-bug in the underlying framework, you need to restart all replicas for part of this change to take effect everywhere.

Register notification channels

Before notifications can be sent to kanalen in Open Notificaties, these kanalen must first be registered via Open Zaak.

Register the required channels:

python src/ register_kanalen