Open Zaak 1.5 upgrade

Open Zaak 1.5.0+ corrected an oversight where the container was running as root. This is no longer the case, the image from 1.5.0 and newer drops to an unprivileged user with User ID 1000 and Group ID 1000.


The Open Zaak 1.5 update has an impact on existing installations!

If you are using the Documenten API with the default Open Zaak storage (so, not the CMIS adapter), then the directories in the storage are owned by the root user (or the user that the container root user maps to, in the case of podman for example).

After dropping privileges in the new version, this means that Open Zaak and nginx no longer have (write) access to these directories and files.

We have updated the deployment tooling to correct this where possible, but it’s impossible to cover every case.

The instructions on what to check on how to handle this are provided below per supported environment.

We strongly advise to backup your data and test this upgrade on a test/staging environment before rolling it out in production!

Single server with Ansible collection

If you are deploying with the ansible playbooks, then you must:

  • Ensure you are using version 0.17.0 or higher of the collection. We have updated the requirements to reflect this.

  • Specify the role variable openzaak_1_5_upgrade: true - this will fix the permissions of existing uploads. You can revert/remove this variable again after the ugprade has been deployed.


We have added an init container to the Ansible and Helm based deployments, which is enabled by default. This init container should correct the incorrect file system permissions, provided that the pod is allowed to run containers as root. It changes the owner and group of the /app/private-media directory to 1000:1000.

The updated deployment tooling also includes a podSecurityContext which now specifies the fsGroup: 1000. If your environment is different, you may have to specify openzaak_init_containers accordingly.

It’s possible that the PV provisioner causes problems, and in that case, please consult with your infrastructure provider on how to ensure the PV is writable by UID 1000 and/or GID 1000.

Note that this init container slows down the application startup for every subsequent deployment, so after the migration you may want to disable it by setting the variable to no init containers:

openzaak_init_containers: []

Cloud provider specific notes

Not all cloud providers are the same. The three big ones are arguably Azure, AWS and Google Cloud. Where applicable, we have provider-specific notes.

Storage classes

Persistent volumes on Azure are tricky. Out of the box only the provisioner works with ReadWriteMany mount mode, which Open Zaak requires.

However, this filesystem gets mounted as root by default and it’s not possible to correct the file permissions via an init container or the securityContext.fsGroup option. You must use a storage class with the correct mount options, for example:

kind: StorageClass
allowVolumeExpansion: true
reclaimPolicy: Delete
volumeBindingMode: Immediate
  name: azurefile-openzaak
  skuName: Standard_LRS
- uid=1000
- gid=1000

Note the explicit uid and gid mount options which map to the user that Open Zaak runs as. For more information, see also this related Kubernetes issue.

In our own testing, upgrading worked out of the box because the mounted volume results in 777 file permissions mode, while still being owned by the root user, which is functional but may not be what you want.


On an existing installation you will probably have an existing PVC with incorrect mount options and changing the storage class after creation is not possible.

We recommend backing up the uploaded files, deleting the PVC, modifying the storage class that Open Zaak uses and the restoring the backed up data on the new PVC.