Dealing with time
Dealing with time is a hard problem - the impression is that time is always incrementing and consistent, but that’s not the case when dealing with networks and computers in general. Common examples are leap seconds and server or client clock drift.
General recommendations
In general, we advise to make use of NTP services for both client and server. If possible, both client and server should use the same services so that their clocks are in sync.
Where Open Zaak deals with time-aspects
Open Zaak deals with time-based validations in a number of places, of which you can configure how Open Zaak deals with them for a subset of these places.
API resource validation
Following the API standard, in certain places validation takes places that a date(time) must be in the future or must be in the past (= may not be in the future). This validation is performed against the server time.
JWT validation
API calls make use of JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for the authentication aspect (=which client is making this request and is this client who it claims to be). One of the characteristics of JWT’s is that they are stateless and short-lived, therefore, the validity of a JWT involves checking against time.
Common claims in JWT’s are iat
(issued at), nbf
(not before) and exp
(expiry). Clock drift can cause a JWT that’s valid on the client to be considered not
valid (yet, or anymore) on the server, leading to unexpected HTTP 403 errors.
In Open Zaak, you can configure JWT_LEEWAY
which allows you to specify the leeway
in seconds. This value should be greater than the difference between server and client
clock, but be careful to not make the value too large because that compromises security
(i.e. - a token is valid longer than intended).
Additionally, with Open Zaak the iat
claim must be present, and it is validated
against JWT_EXPIRY
which determines how long a token is considered valid. The
configuration is also applied to this.