Using external ZGW APIs
While Open Zaak itself implements all the necessary APIs for Zaakgericht Werken, it is possible (conform the VNG standard) to use these APIs from other components than Open Zaak that also implement the VNG standard(s).
For example, you might use an alternative implementation of the Documenten API. Using this example, this guide describes the necessary configuration steps in Open Zaak.
Configure the credentials for the external Documenten API (so Open Zaak can access it):
Navigate to API Autorisaties > Services
Select Click Service toevoegen
Fill out the form:
Label: For example:
External Documenten
Service slug: For example:
Type: Select the option:
DRC (Informetieobjecten)
API root url: the full URL to the external API root, e.g.
OAS url: URL that points to the OpenAPI specification, e.g.
Authorization type: Select the authorization used in the external API. For ZGW APIs it’s
ZGW client_id + secret
Client ID: client ID for the external service. Should be provided by the external API administrators.
Secret: secret for the external service. Should be provided by the external API administrators.
User ID: Same as the Client ID
User representation: For example:
Open Zaak
Click Opslaan.
Each of the local APIs should be included into Services configuration. In this example it should be Zaken, Catalogi and Besluiten APIs. For Catalog API:
Navigate to API Autorisaties > Services
Select Click Service toevoegen
Fill out the form:
Label: For example:
Local Catalogi
Service slug: For example:
Type: Select the option:
ZTC (Zaaktypen)
API root url: the full URL to the local Catalogi API root, e.g.
OAS url: URL that points to the Catalogi API OpenAPI specification, e.g.
Authorization type: Select option
ZGW client_id + secret
Client ID: any client ID which was created in API Autorisaties > Applicaties
Secret: secret related to the client ID above
User ID: Same as the Client ID
User representation: For example:
Open Zaak
Click Opslaan.
Perform a-d steps for Zaken and Besluiten APIs. In the result there should be 3 external configurations for local APIs in API Autorisaties > Services
The configuration of local APIs as external services exists as a temporary solution and would be removed. But for now it’s required to include local APIs for the usage of external APIs.