
1.16.0 (2024-11-25)

New features

  • [#1733] Add experimental support for registering authentication context with mandates (machtiging) and searching through them

  • [#1783] Add zaaktype__not_in filter to /zaken/api/v1/zaken/_zoek endpoint

  • [#1774] Add trefwoorden__overlap filter to /documenten/api/v1/enkelvoudiginformatieobjecten endpoint

  • [#1776] Support searching zaken on zaaktype.omschrijving in the Admin

  • [#1611] Add importing authorization data via yaml files as a configuration step

  • [#1817] Updated OAF version to 0.9.0. This upgrade allows admin users managing their sessions through the admin.

Bugfixes and QOL

  • [#1741] Clean orphaned JwtSecret objects when related Applicatie objects are bulk deleted in the Admin

Project maintenance

  • [#1798] Add resultaattype.resultaattypeomschrijving into generate_data command

  • [#1730] Implement open-api-workflows


  • [#1785] Add hardware requirements to the performance documentation

1.15.0 (2024-10-04)

New features

  • API:

    • [#1762] add dynamic pagination with pageSize parameter

Bugfixes and QOL

  • [#1772] Change SameSite session cookie to lax to fix OIDC login not working

  • [#1772] Fix API schema not showing caused by CSP errors

  • [#1771] Fix migration to delete canonical documenten objects without latest versions

  • [#1781] Fix setting NOTIFICATIONS_DISABLED via envvar

  • [#1769] Fixed adding Authorization with catalog in the admin page

  • [#1768] Change all setup configuration to disabled by default


If you use configuration steps you need to explicitly set *_ENABLE environment variables to True (such as SITES_CONFIG_ENABLE or NOTIF_OPENZAAK_CONFIG_ENABLE. You can find them in the documentation )


  • [#1725] Document envvars

  • [#1775] Add performance results for OZ versions

  • [#1768] Change setup configuration description

  • [#1790, #1772, #1770] remove broken links from docs

Project maintenance

  • [#1791] Temporarily disable trivy image scan

  • [#1782] Fix failing CI due to openapitools issue

  • [#1763] Add zaaktype.selectielijst_procestype into generate_data command

  • [#1761] Add zaaktype.identificatie into generate_data command

1.14.0 (2024-09-02)

New features

  • API:

    • [#1692] Added a DELETE endpoint for the Import resource and a periodic task which removes Import instances older than the days specified in the environment variable IMPORT_RETENTION_DAYS

    • [#1353] Allowed nested datumkenmerk for “afleidingswijze” zaakobject

    • [#1574] Optimized list endpoints by implementing fuzzy pagination which doesn’t calculate “count”. It can be turned on with FUZZY_PAGINATION environment variable

    • [#1707] Restricted creating ZaakInformatieObject and BesluitInformatieObject when EnkelvoudigInformatieObject canonical object doesn’t have versions

  • Admin:

    • [#1648] Added an option to keep same UUIDs when importing zaaktypen in the Admin

    • [#1650] Registered Audittrail model in the Admin

    • [#1661] Assigned authorizations on a per-catalogus basis

    • [#1707] Restricted creating EnkelvoudigInformatieObject canonical object without versions


A periodic task to remove finished import processes required Celery Beat and a separate Celery Beat container to be ran (see docker-compose.yml).

Bugfixes and QOL

  • [1306] Removed non-alphanumeric validation from ZaakType.identificatie and EnkelvoudigInformatieObject.identificatie

  • [#1686] Fixed 500 status when publishing overlapping informatieobjecttypen

  • [#1705] Fixed CSS style for help-text icon in the Admin

  • [#1256] Showed conflicting identification number when returning a “identificatie-niet-uniek” error

  • [#1695] Fixed redirect after 2FA

  • [#1743] Fixed 2FA app title

  • [#1737] Cleaned temporary folders in import tests


  • [#1691] Updated documentation for Open Zaak and Open Notificaties configuration

  • [#1742] Updated documentation for Authorizations based on Catalogi

Project maintenance

  • [#1629] Refactored Settings module to use generic settings provided by Open API Framework

  • [#1701] Updated Python to 3.11

  • [#1747] updated open-api-framework to 0.8.0, which includes adding CSRF, CSP and HSTS settings.

  • [#1747, #1738] Bumped python dependencies due to security issues: celery, django, djangorestframework, mozilla-django-oidc-db, requests, sentry-sdk, setuptools, sqlparse and others

  • [#1708] Added OAS checks to CI

  • [#1721] Added DISABLE_2FA environment variable into “docker-compose.yml”

  • [#1727] Added celery healthcheck, the example how to use it can be found in docker-compose.yml

  • [#1732] Filled more zaaktype attributes with generate_data command


SECURE_HSTS_SECONDS has been added with a default of 31536000 seconds, ensure that before upgrading to this version of open-api-framework, your entire application is served over HTTPS, otherwise this setting can break parts of your application (see

1.13.0 (2024-06-19)

New features

  • API:

    • [#1596] Added bulk import of documents (NOTE this change is not supported when CMIS is enabled)

    • [#1630] Added new experimental field communicatiekanaal_naam for Zaak resource

    • [#1479] Validated ZaakEigenschap.waarde by Eigennschap.specificatie

    • [#1569] Added filter and sorting parameters for EnkelvoudigInformatieObjecten endpoint

    • [#1619] Changed “User-Agent” header for outgoing requests to “Open Zaak”

  • Admin:

    • [#1637] Introduced two-factor authentification (2FA) for the Admin, which can be disabled by the environment variable DISABLE_2FA

    • [#1382] Added ZaakKenmerk to the Admin

    • [#1587] Added read-only field created_on for Zaak

Bugfixes and QOL

  • [#1577] Allowed empty Zaaktype.doorlooptijd in the Admin

  • [#1594] Checked for missing scopes in the Authorization admin form

  • [#1627] Allowed verblijfsadres.aoaIdentificatie to be blank

  • [#1642] Fixed cleaning autorisaties when related zaaktypen are removed

  • [#1256] Showed identification number in validation errors


  • [#1670-#1676] Fixed typos in the documentation

  • [#1679] Documented the bulk import of documents

  • [#1626] Added examples how to generate JWT in several programming languages

  • [#1593] Added a link to the help text for Zaaktype.referentieprocess.naam

  • [#1598] Converted “Environment configuration” page from .md to .rst

Project maintenance

  • [#1597] Updated django to 4.2

  • [#1666] Added open-api-framework dependency

  • [#1582] Discontinued Foundation for Public Code stewardship

  • [#1606] Removed default Notification Service

  • [#1656] Updated DB image in docker-compose


Two-factor authentication is enabled by default. The DISABLE_2FA environment variable can be used to disable it if needed.

1.12.4 (2024-05-30)

Open Zaak 1.12.4 is a patch release:

  • [#1662] Supported subpaths when rewriting host for API requests

1.12.3 (2024-05-16)

Open Zaak 1.12.3 is a patch release:

  • [#1588] Restricted rewriting host for only API requests

1.12.2 (2024-05-14)

Open Zaak 1.12.2 is a patch release:

  • [#1636] Fixed changing authorizations in the Admin

1.12.1 (2024-04-05)

Bugfixes and QOL

  • [#1592] Added environment variable LOOSE_FK_LOCAL_BASE_URLS, which explicitly list allowed prefixes for local urls to fine-tune resolving local and remote urls, now they can be hosted within the same domain

  • [#1602] Replaced docker-compose with docker compose in the CI and docs

  • [#1599] Restored Nginx config for docker-compose.yml.

  • [#1609] Changed GH issue templates from .md to .yml

1.12.0 (2024-03-25)

New features

  • [#1531] Supported user-defined prefixes for Zaaktype.identificatie during zaaktype import.

  • [#1533] Added a checkbox in the Catalogi admin page to auto-publish resources related to zaaktypen.

  • [#1535] Refactored validation of overlapping dates for concept objects in Catalogi component. Now concept objects are allowed to be added without specifying an end date for the published objects. The validation for overlapping dates is restricted only for published objects.

  • [#1572] Refactored management command setup_configuration and added support of environment variables there

Bugfixes and QOL

  • [#1571] Fixed access to the history pages in the Admin

  • [#1579] Added a unittest to ensure that ZaakTypeInformatieObjectType.volgnummer is imported correctly

  • [#1504] Showed warnings to the user if no zaaktype was imported during the import process


  • [#1517] Restore full descriptions of enum fields in the OAS

Project maintenance

  • [#1510] Replaced drf-yasg library to generate OAS with drf-spectacular

1.11.0 (2024-02-01)

Open Zaak 1.11.0 is a release focused on supporting the latest versions of the ZGW API standards.

Open Zaak now supports:

  • Catalogi API 1.3

  • Documenten API 1.4

  • Zaken API 1.5

New features

  • [#1466] Catalogi API 1.3 features implemented:

    • [#1555] Removed informatieobjecttypeOmschrijving property from ZaakTypeInformatieObjectType resource

    • [#1558] Changed besluittype.zaaktypen property to read-only

  • [#1464] Documenten API 1.4 features implemented:

    • [#1545] Added trefwoorden property to Enkelvoudiginformatieobject resource, also add it as query param (NOTE this change is not supported when CMIS is enabled)

    • [#1522] Added expand query param to enkelvoudiginformatieobjecten, gebruiksrechten, verzendingen list and detail endpoints (NOTE this change is not supported when CMIS is enabled)

    • [#1522] Added expand query param to enkelvoudiginformatieobjecten `zoek endpoint (NOTE this change is not supported when CMIS is enabled)

    • [#1548] Removed validation status!=’definitief’ from update/patch for enkelvoudiginformatieobjecten

    • [#1547] Added ‘DEPRECATED’ mark for verzenddatum and ontvangstdatum properties of Enkelvoudiginformatieobject resource

    • [#1550] Added lock field to BestandsDeel response

    • [#1525] Added ‘enkelvoudiginformatieobjecten’ list query params to zoek endpoint

  • [#1465] Zaken API 1.5 features implemented:

    • [#1152, #1537] Added expand query param into zaken list and detail endpoints

    • [#1152] Add expand query param into zaken _zoek endpoint

    • [#1543] Removed resultaattoelichting from Zaak

Bugfixes and QOL

  • [#1474] Fixed creating zaaktypen without catalogus in the Admin

  • [#1481] Changed error code from 403 to 400 when creating zaak with incorrect zaaktype

  • [#1509] Fixed importing informatieobjecttypen with empty omschrijving_generiek in the Admin

  • [#1518] Improved Trivy configuration

  • [#1497] Improved importing zaaktypen in the Admin: added sorting in the dropdown

  • [#1561] Added CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS environment variable

1.10.3 (2024-01-15)

  • [#1540] Upgraded mozilla-django-oidc-db to 0.14.1

1.10.2 (2023-12-06)

Open Zaak 1.10.2 is a patch release

  • [#1527] Added missing CSS styles for the dashboard

1.10.1 (2023-11-28)

Open Zaak 1.10.1 is a patch release focused on security.

  • [#1493] Preselected related informatieobjecttypen when importing zaaktypen in the Admin

  • [#1506] Changed default for LOG_REQUESTS setting to False

  • [#1507] Added Trivy into the CI as an docker image scaner

  • [#1512] Moved the project from Python 3.9 to Python 3.10

  • [#1512] Removed Bootstrap and jQuery from the web interface

  • [#1512] Switched to Debian 12 as a base for the docker image

1.10.0 (2023-11-01)

Open Zaak 1.10.0 is a release focused on supporting the latest versions of the ZGW API standards.

Open Zaak now supports:

  • Besluiten API 1.1

  • Catalogi API 1.2

  • Documenten API 1.3

  • Zaken API 1.4

New features

  • [#1412] Besluiten API 1.1 features implemented:

    • [#1413] Added HTTP cache-related ETag header support

  • [#1411] Catalogi API 1.2 features implemented:

    • [#1415] Added ‘Correcties’ - new permission claim for update and partial_update

    • [#1419] Added new resource ZaakObjectType

    • [#1485] Added query parameters datumGeldigheid, omschrijving and zaaktypeIdentificatie

    • [#1420] Added new date properties beginGeldigheid, eindeGeldigheid, beginObject and eindeObject

    • [#1423] Added new property zaaktypeIdentificatie

    • [#1421] Added new property catalogus

    • [#1476] Added new resource-specific properties

    • [#1483] Changed ResultaatType.omschrijving max length from 20 to 30

    • [#1486] Replaced unique constraint of ZaakType.omschrijving & ZaakType.catalogus with ZaakType.identificatie & ZaakType.catalogus

  • [#1410] Documenten API 1.3 features implemented:

    • [#1424] Added a new claim documenten.geforceerd-bijwerken

    • [#1433] Added a new __zoek endpoint for EnkelvoudigInformatieObject

    • [#1435] Added a new resource Verzending (NOTE this change is not supported when CMIS is enabled)

    • [#1437] Added a new property`EnkelvoudigInformatieObject.verschijningsvorm` (NOTE this change is not supported when CMIS is enabled)

    • [#1431] Changed description of EnkelvoudigInformatieObject.taal

    • [#1429] Added validation: locked documents cannot be deleted

    • [#1439] Removed validation: EnkelvoudigInformatieObject.informatieobject is now mutable

  • [#1407] Zaken API 1.4 features implemented:

    • [#1075] Added new query params zaak_list for rollen:

    • [#1046] Added new query param ordering in zaak_list

    • [#1446] Added new properties to Zaak to show subresources: rollen, zaakinformatieobjecten, zaakobjecten

    • [#1448] Added new archive properties to Zaak: processobjectaard

    • [#1450] Added new date query params to zaak_list #1450

    • [#1452] Added new properties to Status: indicatieLaatstGezetteStatus,`gezetdoor` and zaakinformatieobjecten

    • [#1455] Added new properties to Rol: contactpersoonRol, afwijkendeNaamBetrokkene, statussen and Vestiging.kvkNummer

    • [#1452] Added new properties to ZaakInformatieObject: vernietigingsdatum and status

    • [#1457] Added zaakobjecttype to ZaakObject

    • [#1458] Added validation of the Zaak with a gearchiveerd status

    • [#1450] Added query params to zaak_list: bronorganisatie__in, archiefactiedatum__isnull, einddatum__isnull

    • [#1460] Added values registratiedatum and identificatie to query param ordering in zaak_list

    • [#1462] Added zaaktype__in to zaak__zoek request


  • [#1441] Fixed saving Enkelvoudiginformatieobject with empty informatieobjecttype in the Admin

Project maintenance

  • [#1418] Replaced Django-Choices with native django TextChoices

  • [#1417] Added django-log-outgoing-requests library to log outgoing requests

  • [#1471] Suported configuring GEOS_LIBRARY_PATH with environment variables

  • Bumped django to latest available security patch

  • Updated some other third party dependencies to newer versions


  • [#1442] Updated Standard for public code assessment to 0.7.1

1.9.0 (2023-07-17)

Open Zaak 1.9.0 is a release focused on bugfixes, performance and quality of life.

New features

  • [#1310] Added support for Elastic APM

  • [#1345] Made ‘2020’ a default year for ReferentieLijstConfig


  • [#1344] Added management command to generate large amount of data for performance test

  • [#1361] Optimized GET zaken endpoint with more efficient pagination calculation

  • [#1363] Optimized GET enkelvoudiginformatieobjecten endpoint removing excessive DB queries for BestandsDeel objecten and calculating pagination count more efficient

  • [#1365] Optimized list endpoints with more efficient pagination calculation and speeding up authorization filtering

  • [#1370] Optimized GET zaaktypen endpoint adding deelzaaktypen to prefetch_related

  • [#1367] Optimized GET statussen endpoint adding index for datum_status_gezet

  • [#1400] Optimized GET besluiten endpoint removing excessive DB hits for Besluit.previous_zaak

  • [#1374] Optimized POST besluiten endpoint adding index for identificatie field


  • [#1326] Fixed regression which appeared after URL references to external data (e.g. external documenten API) have been normalized in Open Zaak 1.8. Due to this regression the additional configuration for local services had to be introduced. Now it is resolved for all cases except CMIS usage.

  • [#1354] Made ObjectInformatieObject.verzoek field optional in the admin

  • [#1341] Supported spaces in

  • [#959] support client timezone when closing zaak and setting Zaak.einddatum

  • [#1060] Fixed mad widget for Zaak.zaakgeometrie in the admin

  • [#1258] Fixed 500 error when accessing documents in the admin with enabled CMIS. The user is notified that the documents should be accessed in the DMS

  • [#1392] Showed autorisatie in the admin even if zaaktypen were not created yet


  • [#1309, #1383] Added performance report for sending notifications and its auto-retry mechanism

  • [#1327] Documented external services configuration

Project maintenance

  • [#1307] Moved serializer field descriptions from __init__ to get_fields method

  • [#1349] Updated Standard for Public Code assessment to 0.5.0

  • [#1359] Updated Postman tests reference and mocks

1.8.2 (2023-02-22)

  • [#1333] Fixed crash in relative URL validation in the admin

  • [#1335] Fixed crash in PUT of documenten without size/content in the body

  • [#1321] Fixed bug causing failed notifications to not be logged in the database anymore

  • Bumped dependencies with latest (security) patches

1.8.1 (2023-01-19)

Fixed some regressions introduced in 1.8.0

  • Fix EXTRA_CERTS_ENVVAR crash due to multiple imports

  • [#1314] Fixed broken “Show <related objects>” links in Zaken admin

1.8.0 (2023-01-09)

Open Zaak 1.8.0 is a long-awaited feature release.

The notable new features are:

  • Updated Zaken API from 1.1.2 to 1.2.0

  • Updated Documenten API from to 1.1.0 (support for chunked uploads)

  • Assured-delivery for notifications (see the release notes below)

  • Better support for updating pointers to data in external systems that change base URL

New features

  • [#1218] Zaken API 1.2 features implemented

    • ZaakObject.objectTypeOverigeDefinitie which can refer to object type and object registrations not part of (existing) standards while ensuring strict schema validation / information for clients to visualize the data.

    • Added PUT, PATCH and DELETE operations to ZaakEigenschap and ZaakObject resources

  • [#1223] Documenten API 1.1 features implemented

    • Added support for “large file uploads” via file chunking

    • Added HTTP cache-related ETag header support

    • Added verzoek type for ObjectInformatieObject object types enum

    • Remaining patches from upstream standard (see their changelog)

  • [#1204] Implemented assured-delivery for notifications

    • API (and catalogus admin) actions trigger notifications that other parties may be subscribed to

    • Delivery of the notification to the configured Notifications API is now retried if it does not initially succeed

    • The amount of retries and exponential backoff parameters can be configured in the admin

    • Notification publishing is now async, which requires deploying background task worker containers (see below).

  • [#1209] URL references to external data (e.g. external documenten API) are now normalized:

    • You must define an external Service for each external API that is used

    • If the external service changes their base URL, you only need to update the service

    • Provides foundation for future support for mTLS-based services

  • [#1215] Added bin/ script to dump the runtime configuration which can then be loaded into another instance.

  • [#669] Re-implemented the setup_configuration management command:

    • Added extensive command line self-documentation (available via --help flag)

    • Command actions now self-test their outcome and report problems

    • Command can be run headless for fully automated Open Zaak installations ( deployment + runtime configuration)

  • [#1280] Allow providing the ENVIRONMENT via envvar to Sentry

  • [#1020] Added support for API gateways (like NLX) where Open Zaak has no publicly available URL. Through OPENZAAK_DOMAIN and OPENZAAK_REWRITE_HOST you can now configure the canonical domain without exposing internal service DNS names.

  • [#621] Open Zaak no longer requires a network connection to

  • [#1271] Substantially improved performance of zaak-create endpoint


  • [#1213] Ensured that the zaak status ordering is explicitly defined (most recent first)

  • [#1227] Added missing validation for remote side of ObjectInformatieObject relation

  • [#1233] Fixed broken OIDC session refresh

  • Fixed exports of large catalogi again by reverting #998

  • [#1228] return null for empty verlenging information instead of object with empty fields

  • [#1247] Fixed visual regression hiding the datepicker calendar in the admin

  • [#1198] Fixed broken ordering filter in the zaak_zoek operations

  • [#1264] Fixed saving einddatum for published zaaktypen

  • [#621] Added envvar support for the NOTIFICATIONS_DISABLED configuration parameter. Note that disabling notifications makes you not compliant with the upstream standard.

  • Fixed crash for audittrail representation generation exceeding maximum allowed length

  • The admin index fixture is now loaded after every migrate action, fixing missing menu entries in upgraded installations.

  • [#1275] Fixed publishing of objects with duration widgets via the admin

  • [#1281] Fixed selectielijst year in zaaktype form not being used correctly in the admin

  • [#1056] Fixed incorrect notification action for IOType create

  • [#1271] Fixed race condition during concurrent zaak.identificatie generation operations


  • Fixed deprecated VNG standaarden links in docs/API schemas a couple of times

  • [#669] Added documentation for the setup_configuration management command and favour this approach over point-and-click configuration in the admin.

  • [#644] Removed completed items from roadmap

Project maintenance

  • Swapped out vng-api-common for commonground-api-common and implemented some cleanups there

  • Extracted notifications tooling into notifications-api-common and added the dependency

  • Bumped django and django-sendfile2 to latest available security patches

  • Updated some other third party dependencies to newer versions

  • Cleaned up test suite utilities by centralizing them in the correct package

  • Added cmis_required decorator for CMIS-related tests, which automatically skips them if the CMIS provider is not available.

  • [#1139] Removed django-auth-adfs* dependencies, finalizing the replacement started in 1.7.0

  • Upgraded CodeQL to v2 in CI

  • Show docker logs if postman tests fail in CI

  • Updated notificationsconfig fixture for CI

  • Refactored templates/URL structure for component landing pages

  • Removed obsolete pep8/pylint config files

  • Update to Standard for Public Code 0.4.0

  • Don’t measure the coverage of tests themselves


Deployment tooling updates required - additional containers needed.

The publishing of notifications by Open Zaak to the Notifications API is now done via a task queue and background workers. You need to update your deployment tooling to start (and monitor) these background workers.

An example docker-compose entry (taken from our docker-compose.yml in

# existing containers
# ...

# new container
    image: openzaak/open-zaak:latest
    environment: *app-env
    command: /
    volumes: *app-volumes
      - db
      - redis


Manual intervention required for ADFS/AAD users.

In Open Zaak 1.7.x we replaced the ADFS/Azure AD integration with the generic OIDC integration. If you are upgrading from an older version, you must first upgrade to the 1.7.x release series before upgrading to 1.8, and follow the manual intervention steps in the 1.7 release notes.

After upgrading to 1.8, you can clean up the ADFS database entries by executing the bin/ script on your infrastructure.

docker exec openzaak-0 ./bin/

1.7.5 (2022-11-10)

Bugfix release for zaaktype admin

  • [#1275] Fixed duration fields not being saved when publishing zaaktypen

  • [#1275] Fixed displaying ‘empty’ duration fields in a human-friendly way

1.7.4 (2022-09-28)

Bugfix release

  • [#1264] Fixed updating/saving published zaaktypen via admin (for real now)

  • Fixed excessively long unique representation for Rol resource in some cases, causing crashes due to audittrail saving.

1.7.3 (2022-09-01)

Bugfix release

  • [#1233] Fixed a crash when using single-sign on via OpenID Connect

  • Fixed docker-compose setup (thanks Bart Jeukendrup)

  • Bumped django and django-sendfile2 to latest security patches

  • Applied workaround for large catalogus export crashes

  • [#1228] Made response data for empty Zaak.verlenging uniform - now always returns null if there is no extension

  • [#1247, #1248] Fixed datepicker calendar being hidden behind another layer in the UI

  • [#1198] Fixed ordering parameter in zaak__zoek POST body not being respected

1.7.2 (2022-07-26)

Fixed some issues discovered when upgrading from 1.6 or older

  • [#1227] Added missing OIO relation validation when using remote resources

  • [#1213] Add missing migration for Status.Meta changes

  • Fixed issue in migration order

1.7.1 (2022-07-19)

Open Zaak 1.7.1 fixes some bugs discovered in 1.7.0

  • [#1211] Fixed not being able to create a new version of a published zaaktype

  • [#1213] Made the ordering for zaak.status explicit

1.7.0 (2022-07-08)

Open Zaak 1.7.0 is a rather big feature release.

The biggest changes are:

  • Updated Zaken API from 1.0.3 to 1.1.2

  • Updated Catalogi API from 1.0.0 to 1.1.1

  • Admin UI improvements

New features

  • [#1109 and #1157] Implemented Zaken API 1.1.2 - please check the upstream VNG API standards for more information

  • [#1109] Implemented Catalogi API 1.1.1 - please check the upstream VNG API standards for more information

  • [#1145] the log level is now configurable through environment variables

  • [#1105 and #1182] Improved performance of catalogus imports

  • [#510] allow filtering zaaktypen on geldigheid and publish status

  • [#970] improved the handling of selectielijst in zaaktypen/resultaattypen - the admin now protects you better from making invalid configurations

  • [#1030] The selectielijst procestypes are now refreshed when the selectielijst-year is changed and the selectielijstklasse choices for a resultaattype are now updated if the zaaktype is changed or set

  • [#1085] the admin now runs more extensive validation on zaaktype publish to prevent misconfiguration:

    • checks that there is at least one roltype

    • checks that there is at least one resultaattype

    • checks that there are at least two status types (initial + closing)

  • [#1119] the Open Zaak version number is now displayed in the in admin footer

  • [#1183] updated EN -> NL translations


  • [#1130] added missing error documents

  • [#1107] aligned admin validation of resultaattype-archiefprocedure with API validation

  • [#979] Prevent cascading deletes when deleting a zaaktype, which would delete related zaken before

  • [#983] allow concept zaaktype updates with published documenttypes

  • [#981] allow null for eindeGeldigheid in Catalogi API

  • [#992] run deelzaaktype validation for zaak.hoofdzaak.zaaktype

  • [#1023] fixed zaak list returning duplicated zaken

  • [#1080] fixed displaying authorization (specs) if there are no related objects (zaaktype/documenttype/besluittype) yet

  • [#1081] Added test to confirm autorisaties are deleted when documenttypes are deleted

  • [#1169] Ensure the selectielijst procestype year is derived and stored when importing zaaktypen

  • [#1042] Fixed a number of bypasses that allowed you to edit published zaaktypen

  • [#1108] Fixed crash while validating document archival status on Zaak create


  • Documented the API parity policy - there are now procedures for adding experimental features to Open Zaak

  • [#1001] restructurd deployment documentation

  • Documented buildkit requirement in docker-compose install

  • Updated documentation for which API versions Open Zaak implements

Project maintenance

  • [#1129] Fixed the failing build

  • [#1136 and #1207] Bump to the latest security releases of Django

  • [#1139] Refactor ADFS/AAD usage to generic OIDC library

  • Update to Python 3.9

  • Improved test isolation in CI build

  • Replace set_context with new context system DRF (ongoing work)

  • Replace raw requests usage with Service wrapper

  • Remove some duplicated/bad patterns in test code

  • Upgraded PyJWT dependency

  • Upgraded frontend dependencies for security issues

  • Removed the zds-client library mocking utility usage

  • Cleaned up requests mock usage to prevent real HTTP calls from being made

  • Refactored API spec mocking in tests to remove duplication and custom code

  • API spec references for data validation are now pinned to release tags rather than commit hashes

  • Reduced docker build context and image size

  • Upgraded to gemma-zds-client 1.0.1

  • [#1099] Added ZGW OAS tests to CI pipeline


Manual intervention required for ADFS/AAD users.

Open Zaak replaces the ADFS/Azure AD integration with the generic OIDC integration. On update, Open Zaak will attempt to automatically migrate your ADFS configuration, but this may fail for a number of reasons.

We advise you to:

  • back up/write down the ADFS configuration BEFORE updating

  • verify the OIDC configuration after updating and correct if needed

Additionally, on the ADFS/Azure AD side of things, you must update the Redirect URIs: becomes

In release 1.8.0 you will be able to finalize the removal by dropping the relevant tables.

1.6.0 (2022-03-31)

New features

  • Upgraded to Django 3.2 LTS version (#1098)

  • Confirmed support for Postgres 13 and 14 and Postgis 3.2


  • Fixed a crash in the validation path for “zaak sluiten” where the archive status of related documents is checked.

  • Fixed missing JWT expiry validation for audittrail endpoints and nested zaak resources

  • Real IP address detection in brute-force protection should be fixed if configured correctly (#643)

  • Fixed a wrong name in the ROL list endpoint filter parameters

  • Updated the Docker base images to use slim-bullseye instead of stretch (#1097)

  • Fixed NLX integration after their breaking changes and removed a bunch of custom code in the process (#1082)

  • Fixed real IP detection in the Access logs by relying on the NUM_PROXIES config var (#643)

  • Fixesd styles broken by bootstrap css (#1122)


  • Fixed 1.5.0 release date in the changelog

  • Updated the FFPC assessment to version 0.2.3

  • Renamed the “product steering group” to “core” group (=kerngroep)

  • Updated assessment content w/r to CI location and git tag PGP signing

  • Update Standard for Public Code assessment w/r to version control

  • Rewrote the Kubernetes deployment documentation (#854)

  • Explicitly documented the Open Zaak service dependencies (with supported version ranges)

  • Documented advice to flush the caches after update to 1.6 (#1120)

  • Fixed broken URL/markup in docs

Project maintenance

  • Upgraded a number of dependencies to be compatible with Django 3.2 (#1098)

  • Upgraded most dependencies to their latest available versions (#1098)

  • Improved test suite to not rely on real network calls (related to #644)

  • Removed some unused dev-tooling

  • Enabled the newer Docker buildkit on CI

  • Handled the KIC -> KC component rename

  • Removed Kubernetes cluster infrastructure code/playbooks/manifests - this is not the scope of Open Zaak (#854)

  • Updated CI/test dependencies (#1098)

  • Fixed Docker Hub and docs badges


Manual intervention(s) required!

Admin panel brute-force protection

Due to the ugprade of a number of dependencies, there is a new environment variable NUM_PROXIES which defaults to 1 which covers a typical scenario of deploying Open Zaak behind a single nginx reverse proxy. However, on Kubernetes there is typically an nginx reverse proxy for file serving AND an ingress operating as reverse proxy as well, requiring this configuration variable to be set to 2. Other deployment layouts/network topologies may also require tweaks.

Failing to specify the correct number may result in:

  • login failures/brute-force attempts locking out your entire organization because one of the reverse proxies is now IP-banned - this happens if the number is too low.

  • brute-force protection may not be operational because the brute-forcer can spoof their IP address, this happens if the number is too high.

Please review the documentation for more information about this configuration parameter.

Flush the caches

Because of the Django 2.2 -> 3.2 upgrade in the dependencies, it’s likely the implementation details of the caches have an effect making old cached data incompatible with the new Django version.

Therefore we recommend flushing the caches and let them rebuild automatically.

On the redis containers, you can do this by getting a shell in the container and run the command:

redis-cli flushall

1.5.0 (2021-11-25)

New features

  • Drop privileges in container to not run as root user (#869). See the warning below for possible manual intervention!

  • Added generic OpenID Connect integration (#1002)

  • Implemented JWT_LEEWAY configuration option to account for clock drift (#796)

  • Enabled database connection re-use, configurable via DB_CONN_MAX_AGE

  • Implemented configuration option to enable query logging for debugging purposes

  • Added a number of useful links to the dashboard menu. Most notably, this includes the link to sign up for early notices to plan around security releases in advance (#830).


  • Bumped dependencies to newer versions (old versions were known to have vulnerabilities)

  • Performance improvements in Documenten API when using CMIS-adapter (#974, #985)

  • Fixed process forking in container to run as PID 1 (ec51077c19d4aaef4262464fc7db19cdf9d4a82c)

  • Fixed incorrect validation error code in Documents API

  • Fixed missing remote ZaakInformatieObject/BesluitInformatieObject validation on ObjectInformatieObject delete operation

  • Fixed identificatie validation in the admin interface (#890)

  • Fixed broken zaak document link in admin interface (#911)

  • Fixed broken built-in documentation (notifications sent by component, #980)

  • Fixed autorisaties admin breaking when a lot of authorizations applied for an application (#860)

  • Fixed geldigheid-overlap detection in API/admin for zaaktypen, informatieobjecttypen and besluittypen (#994)

  • Fixed incorrect notifications being sent when a new zaaktype version is created (#1026)

  • Fixed crash because of missing validation on unique-together (zaak, status.datumGezet) fields (#960)

  • Fixed performance regression for API clients with “large” numbers of authorizations (#1057)

  • Fixed a crash when the JWT user_id claim is null (#936)

CI/CD - Deployment tooling - infrastructure

  • Renamed various codebase aspects from Travis to generic “CI” after moving to Github Actions

  • Replaced Alfresco CI tooling with prebuild extension image (#931)

  • Cleanup up codebase structure (#939)

  • Improved Github action to detect changed files and optimized CI to only run the necessary parts

  • Added CI check for fresh deploys with CMIS_ENABLED=1 (#972)

  • Various improvements to make tests more deterministic/isolated


  • Added missing authors to the authors list

  • Fixed broken GCloud link

  • Documented UWSGI_HTTP_TIMEOUT environment variable

  • Documented need to synchronized clocks (#796)

Removed features

  • Removed NLX inway configuration integration (#949, #1061)

  • Removed some deployment stuff not directly related to Open Zaak (NLX, ingress)


Manual intervention required!

Open Zaak 1.5.0+ corrected an oversight where the container was running as root. This is no longer the case, the image from 1.5.0 and newer drops to an unprivileged user with User ID 1000 and Group ID 1000.

The actions you need to take are documented explicitly in the 1.5 upgrade notes. Please read these before attempting the upgrade - we have documented them for the various platforms and deployment strategies.

1.4.0 (2021-04-30)

New features

  • Updated ADFS-integration support, now Azure AD is properly supported

  • Allow selection of internal zaaktypen for related zaaktypen with user friendly picker (#910)

  • Removed the need to register internal services as external services when using CMIS adapter (#938)

  • More CMIS-adapter optimization

    • caching of WSDLs

    • use connection pooling for CMIS requests (#956)

  • Added support for initial superuser creation via environment variables (#952)


  • Updated to Zaken API 1.0.3 specification, see the upstream 1.0.3 changelog.

    • rol_list operation querystring parameter fixed, from betrokkeneIdentificatie__vestiging__identificatie to betrokkeneIdentificatie__organisatorischeeenheid__identificatie

  • Fixed missing metadata in CMIS-adapter interface (#925)

  • Improved test isolation, reducing Heisenbugs

  • Improved display of catalogi without explicit name so that they’re clickable in the admin (#891)

  • Fixed broken zaaktype export for published zaaktypen (#964)

Deployment tooling / infrastructure

  • Added configuration parameter to opt-in to use X-Forwarded-Host headers to determine the canonical domain of a request to Open Zaak. This is particularly useful when using Istio sidecars for example. (#916)

  • Improved dependency management script

  • Added CI check to detect improper version bumping

  • Bumped version of Django Debug Toolbar to fix an SQL injection. Safe in production, as this dependency is not included in the published Docker images.

  • Fixed deleting a Zaak with related documents with CMIS-adapter enabled (#951)


  • Documented advice to service providers to sign up to the OpenZaak Release Early Notice List and mailing list (#915)

  • Updated maturity document (FFPC, #681)

  • Improved post-install configuration documentation (#947)

  • Documented RabbitMQ’s need for minimum of 256MB RAM

External dependency cleanup

  • Dropped nlx-url-rewriter, see manual intervention below

  • Dropped drf-flex-fields, it was not used

  • Upgraded Django, djangorestframework, djangorestframework-camel-case, drf-yasg & other related packages (#935)

  • Replaced django-better-admin-arrayfield fork with upstream again

  • Replaced deprecated node-sass (and libsass) with dart-sass (#962)

  • Bumped a number of dependencies to their latest release to get security fixes. None of the vulnerabilities appeared to impact Open Zaak, but better safe than sorry.


Manual intervention required

If you’re upgrading from an older version than 1.2.0 of Open Zaak and using NLX, you need to update to 1.3.5 first, and then update to the 1.4.x series.

In 1.2.0, the configuration of external API’s was reworked, migrating from the nlx-url-rewriter package to zgw-consumers. In 1.4.0, the nlx-url-rewriter package is dropped and no longer present.

1.3.5 (2021-03-25)

1.3.5 is another release focused on bugfixes, performance and quality of life.


  • Bumped cryptography and httplib2 versions, which had some vulnerabilities (#856, #858, #859)

  • Fixed an issue where documents were considered external when the CMIS-adapter is enabled (#820)

  • Various fixes focused on improving the CMIS-adapter performance (#900, #881, #895)

  • Bumped a number of dependencies to stable versions

  • Dropped DB constraint preventing versioning of informatieobjecttypen to work as intended (#863)

  • Fixed a crash when creating zaaktypen because of too-optimistic input validation (#850)

  • Fixed a crash when using invalid query parameters when filtering the list of zaaktypen/ informatieobjecttypen/besluittypen and related objects (#870)

  • Mutations in the catalogi admin environment now send notifications similarly to how the same operations in the API would do (#805)

  • Fixed filtering ZaakInformatieObjecten with CMIS enabled (#820)

  • Fixed a crash when updating Zaaktype.gerelateerdeZaken (#851)

  • Fixed incorrect and unexpected Autorisaties API behaviour for applications that are not “ready yet”

    • applications must have either heeftAlleAutorisaties set or have autorisaties related to them (cfr. the standard)

    • applications not satisfying this requirement are not visible in the API (for read, write or delete)

    • applications not satisfying this requirement are flagged in the admin interface and can be filtered

    • when (zaak)typen are deleted, they’re related autorisaties are too. If this leads to an application without autorisaties, the application is also deleted as it is no longer valid

  • Fixed serving files for download when using CMIS-adapter and dealing with BytesIO streams in general (#902)

Deployment tooling / infrastructure

  • Uses new version of deployment tooling with podman support (alternative to Docker runtime)

  • Fixed and improved configuration of the Notifications service in the setup_configuration management command. Generated credentials are now written to stdout and need to be used to configure Open Notificaties (or alternatives).

  • Bumped to newer versions of Django and Jinja2, including bug- and security fixes (#906, #907)


  • Link to the mailing list added to the security documentation

  • On the Github issue template you’re now asked to specify which Open Zaak version you’re using

  • Updated Standard for Public Code checklist w/r to security procedures (#864)

  • Documented the project dependencies with versions < 1.0 (#681)

  • Updated the feature request template on Github

  • Documented which security-related headers are set by the application and which on webserver level.

  • Updated Standard for Public Code checklist w/r to using Open Standards (#679)

New features

  • Added support for self-signed certificates, especially where Open Zaak consumes services hosted with self-signed (root) certificates. See the documentation on readthedocs for full details and how to use this. (#809)


  • Removed unused and undocumented newrelic application performance monitoring integration

  • Updated to pip-tools 6 to pin/freeze dependency trees

1.3.4 (2021-02-04)

A regular bugfix release.


  • Fixed incorrect protocol used in notification payloads (#802)

  • Improved test suite determinism (#813, #798)

  • Fixed deleting documents when CMIS is enabled (#822)

  • Fixed Open Zaak compatibility with an external Documenten API

    • Fixed error logging interpolation (#817)

    • Fixed transaction management (#819)

    • Fixed some django-loose-fk bugs

    • Fixed deleting the remote ObjectInformatieObject on cascading zaak-destroy operations

    • Fixed Besluit.zaak nullable behaviour - now an empty string is returned correctly

  • CMIS adapter fixes

    • Implemented Documenten API URL shortening for use with select CMIS DMSs

    • Fixed an oversight where Gebruiksrechten were not updated in the CMIS repository

  • Removed notifications for ZIO (partial) update & destroy - the standard only prescribes create notifications.

  • Fixed running the test suite with the --keepdb option

  • Bumped a number of (frontend) dependencies following Github security notices

  • Throw a command error when testing the notifications sending before correctly configuring the Notifications API (#667)

  • Fixed Open-Zaak not accepting application/problem+json response media type in content negotation (#577)

  • Fixed leaving “producten en diensten” blank in Zaaktype admin (#806)

  • Increased the DATA_UPLOAD_MAX_NUMBER_FIELDS Django setting (#807)

  • Fixed zaaktype/informatieobjecttype/besluittype publish action API documentation (#578)

  • Fixed the handling of the SUBPATH environment variable (#741)

Deployment tooling / infrastructure

  • Bumped to version 0.11.1 of the deployment tooling, which added support for:

    • flexibility in certificate configuration

    • enabled http2 in load balancer

    • improved support for additional environment variables

    • Red Hat and CentOS

  • Fixed pushing the latest docker image tag to Docker Hub for builds on the master branch

  • Open Zaak now provides Helm charts to deploy Open Zaak & Open Notificaties on Haven compliant clusters (thanks to @bartjkdp)


  • Fixed CI badges in READMEs

  • Fixed example recipe for client application developers (#815)

  • Documented the security issue process (#831)

  • Added Contezza as service provider

  • Removed (outdated) documentation duplication in README (#717)

  • Removed raven test Sentry test command from documentation - we no longer use Raven but have switched to sentry_sdk instead (#721)

  • Documented the need to register notification channels (#666)

  • Improved & updated the API schema documentation

  • Link to run-time behaviour documentation for each API component (#753)

New features

  • Added bulk publishing options to the admin for zaaktype, informatieobjecttype and besluittype (#838)

1.3.3 (2020-12-17)

Security and bugfix release


this release includes a security fix for CVE-2020-26251, where Open Zaak had a possible vulnerable CORS configuration. It is advised to update as soon as possible. The severity is considered low, since we haven’t been able to actually exploit this due to mitigating additional security configuration in other aspects.

The bugfixes are mostly CMIS-adapter related.


  • The Cross-Origin Resource Sharing configuration is now safe by default - no CORS is allowed. Environment configuration options are made available to make CORS possible to varying degrees, which are all opt-in. This fixes CVE-2020-26251.

  • Fixed duplicate ObjectInformatieObject instances being created with CMIS enabled (#778)

  • Fixed stale CMIS queryset cache preventing correct chained filtering (#782)

  • Fixed some links being opened in new window/tab without norel or noreferrer set in the rel attribute

  • Fixed multiple EnkelvoudigInformatieobject instances having the same bronorganisatie and identificatie (#768). If you’re not using the CMIS-adapter, see the manual intervention required below.

  • Fixed a bug retrieving ObjectInformatieObject collection in the Documenten API when CMIS is enabled. This may also have affected the Gebruiksrechten resource. (#791)


  • Improved documentation for CMIS services configuration

  • Fixed a typo in the Governance document

  • Documented environment variable to disable TLS certificate validation. This should never be used in production, instead the certificate setup should be fixed.

Other changes

  • Enabled CMIS-adapter logging in DEBUG mode

  • Migrated CI from Travis CI to Github Actions

  • Explicitly test PostgreSQL versions 10, 11 and 12 (#716)

  • Optimized CI build to re-use Docker image artifacts from previous jobs

  • Replaced mocks subscription with nginx container (#790)

  • Avoid some unnecessary queries when CMIS is enabled

  • Implemented a (likely) fix to non-deterministic behaviour in the test suite (#798)


Manual intervention required.

There is a chance that documents have been created in the Documents API with duplicate (bronorganisatie, identificatie) combinations.

We’ve provided a management command to check and fix these occurrences.

Run python src/ detect_duplicate_eio --help in an Open Zaak container to get the command line options. By default, the command is interactive:

$ docker exec openzaak-0 src/ detect_duplicate_eio
Checking 30 records ...
Found no duplicate records.

1.3.2 (2020-11-09)

Open Zaak 1.3.2 fixes a number of issues discovered in 1.3.1. Note that there are two manual interventions listed below these patch notes. Please read them before updating.


  • Added messages in the admin if the selectielijst configuration is invalid (#698)

  • Applied a unique constraint on user e-mail address (if provided) (#589) - see manual intervention warning below.

  • Upgraded to a newer version of zgw-consumers, dropping the extra configuration field for services (#710)

  • Implemented the upstream API bugfix, adding some zaken list query filters (, #732)

  • Added Github’s code-scanning to detect vulnerable code patterns

  • Updated frontend dependencies to secure versions

  • Updated backend and deployment dependencies to secure versions (notably cryptography) (#755, #756)

  • [CMIS-adapter] Changed EnkelvoudigInformatieobject.identificatie generation. CMIS query does not (always) support LIKE queries, nor does it support aggregation queries (#762)


  • Fixed #711 – changed Rol.omschrijving max_length from 20 -> 100

  • Fixed input validation of binary document content (when the client forgets to base64 encode it) (#608)

  • Fixed primary keys being localized in admin URLs (#587)

  • Fixed a crash when trying to download non-existant informatieobjecten (#584)

  • Corrected validation of Eigenschap.lengte. API and admin are now consistent, and decimals are now correctly interpreted (comma instead of dot) (#685)

  • Fixed the register_kanaal management command auth-issue (#738)

  • Fixed a bug where deleted zaaktypen had dangling Autorisatie records (#713) - see manual intervention warning below.

  • Updated to CMIS adapter 1.1.1 to fix some bugs (#760)


  • Update after a number of steering group meetings

  • Clarified that Ansible Galaxy roles and collections need to be installed separately

  • Added a (technical) roadmap draft

  • Drafted code style/code architecture principles

  • Fixed a mix-up between authorizations/authentications API (#722)

  • Docker image badge now points to Docker Hub

  • Removed mention of Klantinteractie-API’s - it’s unclear what’s being done with these API’s

  • Started documentation entries for developers of client/consumer applications


Manual intervention required.

E-mail addresses are used for logging in to the admin environment, which had no unique constraint. This is corrected in a database migration, which will crash if there are users with duplicate e-mail addresses. You should fix the duplicate addresses BEFORE updating.


Manual intervention required.

Some cleanup is required because of a synchronization bug. You need to run the following sync_autorisaties management command.

docker exec openzaak-0 src/ sync_autorisaties

1.3.1 (2020-08-31)


  • Updated CMIS-adapter to 1.1 featuring support CMIS 1.0 Webservice binding and various new configuration options.

  • Added support for configurable Selectielijst years to retrieve specific years from the Selectielijst API (#689)

  • Prevent error monitoring from logging special personal data (#696)


  • Accept comma separated in EigenschapSpecificatie.waardenverzameling (#686)


  • Added SPDX license headers and check.

  • Added Docker storage hint to make sure users run the Docker containers on volumes with enough disk space.

1.3.0 (2020-07-29)

Version 1.3.0 of Open Zaak introduces some new features, quality of life changes and fixes bugs discovered in 1.2.0.

There is no 1.2.1 bugfix release. Upgrading from 1.2.0 to 1.3.0 requires no manual intervention.

What’s new?

  • Added experimental support for CMIS backends for the Documenten API, as an alternative to Open Zaak database + filesystem. See the documentation for more details.

  • Added a feature flag to allow unpublished *Typen to be used. This should only be used in Proof-of-concept environments, as it violates the VNG standard.

  • Added a number of CLI commands for initial Open Zaak setup following installation. See the documentation for more details.

  • Implemented extra zaak_list filters, added in 1.0.2 of the Zaken API standard

    • maxVertrouwelijkheidaanduiding

    • betrokkene

    • betrokkeneType

    • omschrijvingGeneriek

    • natuurlijk persoon BSN

    • medewerker identificatie

Bugfixes and general QOL changes

  • Positioned the Foundation for Public Code and checked Open Zaak against their standard/guidelines

  • The documentation now includes a Public Code checklist

  • Added Code of Conduct

  • Added Governance documentation

  • Fixed running tests with --keepdb option

  • Fixed the admin form for Zaaktype-Informatieobjecttype relation

  • Fixed importing a Zaaktype-Informatieobjecttype with a Statustype relation

  • Improved documentation for deploying on Kubernetes

  • Added English version of README

  • Fixed configuration form for external services when the NLX directory has not been configured (yet)

  • Fixed BesluitType create in the admin (#594)

  • Added and documented performance-profiling tooling for Open Zaak developers

  • Fixed performance regression in zaak_list endpoint operation :zap:

  • Fixed a crash on malformed UUIDs in endpoint URLs that expect a valid UUID 4 pattern

  • Added the environment configuration reference to the published documentation

  • Refactored notifications/selectielijst configuration to use the external services configuration

  • Fixed EigenschapSpecificatie.waardenverzameling default value (empty list) (#611)

  • Fixed missing validation on (zaaktype, eigenschapnaam) uniqueness

  • Added Slack invite link

  • Relaxed Resultaat.afleidingswijze validation in the admin too (see also 6e38b865c)

  • Improved “Contributing” section

1.2.0 (2020-04-20)

New feature release and a set of bugfixes included.


  • Update admin layout version

  • #507 – use the original filename when downloading a document from the admin

  • Reworked configuration of external APIs

  • Added option to specify your NLX outway location and network

  • Added the ability to enable/disable APIs offered by Open Zaak

  • Added the option to configure external APIs, optionally selecting services from the NLX network.

  • Added support for custom OAS urls. Note that you need to add them manually in zgw_consumers.Service for existing APIs (you can do it in the admin).


  • Bumped a number of libraries to their latest security releases

  • #511 – fix saving of resultaattype if bewaartermijn is null

  • #495 – use correct page titles for api schemas per component

  • #318 – Fixed (BesluitType)Admin M2M relations so that they show content from the same catalogus only

  • Fixed Document inhoud base64 validation

  • Enabled pre-filling the informatieobjecttype in zaaktype-informatieobjecttype admin

  • #532 – fixed issue with Resultaattype.omschrijving_generiek not updating

  • #551 – ensure client credentials are deleted when an Applicatie is deleted in in the admin

  • #543 – fix error when trying to create a document in the admin

  • Fixed creating a Zaaktype with partial referentieProces gegevensgroep

  • #553 – made Eigenschap.specificatie required in admin

  • #557 – fix handling of brondatumArchiefProcedure: null

  • #558 – fixed ZaakBesluit DELETE calls

  • #556 – fixed admin crash for resultaattype when the related zaaktype does not have a selectielijst procestype set

  • #559 – fixed deploying Open Zaak on a subpath (as opposed to on its own (sub)domain)

  • #554 – fixed admin crash when related informatieobjecttypen/besluiten are not available for a given zaak.

  • #562 – fixed nested Eigenschap.specificatie being ignored


  • Documentation minimal version of required development tooling

  • #299 – Fixed notification documentation generation

  • Updated PR template

  • #534 – updated documentation links in the API specs

1.1.1 (2020-03-13)

Bugfix release w/r to deployment and ADFS

  • Added option to disable group sync in ADFS login. If the ADFS provider does not provide the group claim, this would otherwise reset the user groups you carefully configured.

  • Updated single-server deployment to make sure the web-server can read and serve uploaded files through the Documenten API.

1.1.0 (2020-03-11)

New feature release. Note that this is not yet an implementation of the 1.1.x API specs!

  • Included playbooks for NLX deployment

  • Added communication channels to the docs (i.e. - how to find/contact us!)

  • Added ADFS support (i.e. you can now log in to the admin with ADFS)

  • Fixed some deployment tooling

1.0.4 (2020-03-05)

Improved support for integration with other APIs, most notably BAG/BRT APIs from the kadaster (see This increases the usability of ZaakObject relations.

  • Added badge - proves that Open Zaak is compliant with the API’s voor zaakgericht werken standard

  • Added small documentation improvements

  • Updated notification setup instructions

  • Added support for API authentication with a simple API key (such as BAG or BRT)

  • Added support for URL transformation so that data-fetching is forced over NLX

1.0.3 (2020-02-25)

Fixed infrastructure on single-server where Open Zaak and Open Notificaties run on the same machine.

1.0.2 (2020-02-19)

Bugfixes and usability improvements

  • Improve selectielijst-resultaten display in ResultaatType admin (#480)

  • Improved production description

  • Fixed file permissions for installation on single-server (#481)

1.0.1 (2020-02-17)

Bugfixes from initial release

  • Added version information to Docker image

  • Added better admin validation in various places [prevent crashes]

  • Updated some documentation

  • Fixed Besluiten API spec defects

  • Fixed rendering the admin detail pages for read-only resources

  • Fixed the cache for resultaattypeomschrijvinggeneriek

  • Updated to latest Django security release

  • Improved help-text for read-only fields

  • Fixed CI

1.0.0 (2020-02-06)

🎉 First release of Open Zaak.


  • Zaken API implementation

  • Documenten API implementation

  • Catalogi API implementation

  • Besluiten API implementation

  • Autorisaties API implementation

  • Support for external APIs

  • Admin interface to manage Catalogi

  • Admin interface to manage Applicaties and Autorisaties

  • Admin interface to view data created via the APIs

  • NLX ready (can be used with NLX)

  • Documentation on

  • Deployable on Kubernetes, single server and as VMware appliance

  • Automated test suite

  • Automated deployment